Alumni-Athlete Spotlight: Abdirahman Mohamed

This spotlight appeared in the Fall 2021 issue of the New England College Magazine.
Business Administration ‘14
Assistant Vice President of Wealth Performance Management at Truist Bank, Georgia
Sport Played at NEC: (captain for 2 years)
Success begets success. NEC’s student-athletes learn that success in one area often translates into success in another.
“I give credit to all the coaches,” says Abdirahman, Abdi for short. “The expectation was if you want to be great on the court, you have to be great in the classroom.”
And being great at what you do, being successful, often means working under pressure and adapting. “I believe athletic experiences parlay into leadership roles and responsibilities better than anything else,” he maintains.
Abdi puts his athletic experiences to work in his role at Truist Bank. He recently assisted in the transition of the brokerage platform after BB&T and SunTrust banks merged and formed the seventh largest commercial bank in the United States.
He admits that he did not really see himself moving into a leadership role, even though he’s always thought of himself as someone who leads by example. He surrounded himself with mentors who helped guide him and develop his leadership style.
“I’ve found new ways to connect and inspire others,” Abdi explains. “I always tell others to define success on their own terms.” For himself, Abdi defines success as having passion for and purpose in one’s work. “Working in private wealth management, I make a positive impact in the lives of Truist clients every day through financial wellbeing. That makes going to work so rewarding.”
Is there a correlation between athletic involvement and success in life? Abdi believes so. “For me, it’s simple. The time management skills I developed have given me an edge, along with knowing what it means to be on a team. I understand what’s best for the group, not the individual.”
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