Behind the Scouting Report: How Jamal Allen Left His Mark Beyond the Three-Point Line in Henniker

Written by Hannah Nelson
Being a collegiate athlete is accompanied by ups and downs, turbulent times that test your ability to stay the course. Determination and perseverance are skills earned through how an individual handles the obstacles they encounter. At an early age, Jamal Allen was faced with the decision to either let circumstances out of his control determine his fate or write his own narrative.
Allen was born with Erb’s Palsy, a condition that could have changed the trajectory of his life. Similar to his resilience on the court, he approached the unforeseen circumstance with a selfless poise.
A stand-out at Lincoln-Sudbury, Allen not only surpassed expectations but excelled. “We had high expectations with Jamal when he first arrived at NEC. Jamal had grown up with a number of our players, and they spoke glowingly of Jamal’s strengths as a player,” noted New England College men’s basketball head coach, Charlie Mason. “But frankly, Jamal was even better than what we hoped. His impact was immediate.”
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