Veterans Day: A Community Message

Dear New England College Community,
On this day, we celebrate Veterans Day. It is a time for thoughtful reflection about the service and sacrifice of those individuals who have worn their country’s uniform and volunteered to serve in harm’s way. It is a day to thank our veterans for their service and to recognize the sacrifice their families made on their behalf as part of their service.
Members of the New England College community share a unique connection to the veterans community. After all, we were founded for veterans returning from World War II. Since those days in 1946, our college has remained committed to supporting the educational aspirations of veterans, active-duty military personnel, and their families. I am very proud of our origin story and share it whenever possible.
Lest you think that our support of veterans is a matter of history, I would encourage you to look around our campus a little more closely. Veterans can be found among our students in both undergraduate and graduate classrooms. Veterans serve as faculty, staff, administrators, trustees, and alumnae of New England College. Many of the College’s closest friends and supporters are veterans or work for organizations who support veterans. Ours is a very special community that honors our citizen soldiers.
To our community of veterans, today, we honor your service. We reflect on your sacrifice. And we say thank you for contributing to the defense of our nation. It is my hope that as we start our weekends a little early everyone will take some time to thank a veteran for their service. They will appreciate the thoughtful gesture.
I wish you all a wonderful Veterans Day.
All the very best,
Dr. Wayne F. Lesperance, Jr.
New England College