Attack on Israel: A Community Message

Dear New England College Community,
I write to you today with a mixture of emotions. Anger, fear, horror, and profound sadness have filled my heart since the first news reports emerged of the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel. I am also very frustrated with those who hesitate to condemn in the strongest terms the indiscriminate and unspeakable acts of violence perpetrated against innocent Israelis. Without hesitation, we stand with the people of Israel and share in the hope that the senseless conflict comes to an immediate end. We also stand with all the innocent civilians in the region who bear the burden of the heinous actions of others. We stand with our community members impacted by these tragic events abroad, hoping their pain will ease soon.
In the last few days, I have heard from students, staff, faculty, alums, trustees, and supporters of our College, all sharing their concerns about the events in Israel. These messages powerfully attest to the strength of our community and its commitment to our shared humanity. I hope that we will find solace in the coming days as more individuals, organizations, groups, and nations express their support for the innocents and condemn the barbarism dominating news reports.
For our part, I encourage you to raise questions about what is happening in the world in your classes, with your friends and colleagues, both on campus and with your wider circle. Dialogue leads to understanding. As educators, we foster respectful discussion, the only true way to resolve human differences. And let us hope that a combination of strong leadership and goodwill brings peace to this region, which has suffered for too long.
I wish you all the very best,
Dr. Wayne F. Lesperance, Jr.
New England College