Meet the Candidates Night - New England College



Meet the Candidates Night

March 06, 2025
Graphic announcing a Meet the Candidates Night at New England College for Henniker residents to meet and hear from candidates before the town election.

NEC’s Center for Civic Engagement and the Henniker Chamber of Commerce host a Meet the Candidates Night for the Henniker town election. This event is free and open to the public, and refreshments will be served.

Thursday, March 6, from 6:00–8:00 p.m.
Simon Center Great Room
98 Bridge Street in Henniker

Henniker voters can meet and hear from candidates running for all town offices in the March 11 election, including the contested race for Henniker Selectman. Uncontested candidates will introduce themselves at 6:30, and selectman candidates will begin taking questions at 7:00.

This event will be run by three NEC Politics seniors as part of their senior project.

Your Future Starts at NEC